Thursday, May 6, 2010

Occasional rumblings

It has been very long since i last put something up on my blog. I don't know whay but writing just stopped being so enticing as it had been once to me. I think we all have some creative sprouts within us which just bloom up at some point in time. Thats the time you find yourself doing things you never thought you would be doing. I don't know if this statement relates to what i am thinking right now...which is to find a reason why i am not so interested in writing! But nonetheless, its a statement and i feel it is true.

Lot of changes happened since i last posted on my blog. The biggest being that i lost some hairs, i got a paranoia that i would be getting bald soon which also reminds me of an advertisement which carried out a research on girls and they ended up saying " Bald men are not sexy". Well, so i find myself using an anti hair fall shampoo which i never used in my life before and asking few people what to do to prevent my hair from falling. Suggestions varied, from silly to sensible. But all are total crap, reality is u can't stop your hair from falling. Stop thinking about it & they ill stop falling. Mine did.

I also got promoted which i came to know a few days earlier, thats the latest thing happening at the workplace. I don't know if it was any kind of achievement, maybe it was a small types. I am pretty glad to have been promoted in 2 years time, it generally takes 4 years. Good for a start i guess! But time passes fast...u don't realize it but there are times when life suddenly seems to be so small and you realize times running fast. So much to do, not so much of a time!

The idea of writing occurred to me again. Maybe it was because i came back pretty early, had a quick shower & made me some dinner. That left me sometime to listen to the good old billboard top of 2004 and write this.

Mumbai seems to be more crowded everyday, work seems to be getting more boring by the day. Friday take a lot of time to come & the weekend passes on fast. Thats how things are going right now. Need a change.

On the with someone!

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